What is Mesotherapy & Skin Booster for the Face & Body?

Our Mesotherapy treatment at Daiyah Aesthetic Clinic in Central Lonodon is a versatile treatment ideal for face, body and hair restoration. The treatment enables a bespoke combination of powerful vitamins, minerals, and hyaluronic acid to be injected directly into the lower layers of your skin.The combination of nutrients depends on your skin concerns, Daiyah Aesthetic Clinic in London can also combine potent cocktails to address multiple skin concerns.

Using a personalised blend of nutrients, combined with cutting-edge Mesotherapy treatment can help trigger the production of new collagen for fresh, younger-looking skin.rejuvenate the skin by stimulating collagen and elastin production, improving hydration and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Dehydrated Skin

Lift, plumps, and hydrate your skin for a smooth, youthful, and replenished appearance. Microneedles are used to deliver a direct hit of nourishing vitamins and minerals, working deep down to maximise results. Perfect for reducing fine lines and wrinkles.


Dehydrated Skin

Dehydration dramatically impacts the texture of your skin and can cause a flaky, wrinkled, dull and unhealthy appearance. Mesotherapy for the face can be a great solution for dehydrated skin as it delivers tailored vitamins and minerals into the lower layers of the epidermis helping to nourish and revitalise the skin on a deeper level.


Cellulite Reduction

Cellulite is one of the most common skin concerns that can be extremely hard to tackle. The specialised cellulite-busting blend of nutrients used during Mesotherapy treatment can result in the plumping, hydrating, and smoothing of the skin. This works wonders to reduce the appearance of any orange peel skin you may have.

Hair Loss

If you are dealing with hair loss, this solution can help target specific areas on the scalp. Its bespoke blend of vitamins and minerals works to restore hair growth on the existing hair follicles. This results in healthier, thicker, and fuller-looking hair.


Sagging Skin

Mesotherapy injections help to reduce sagging skin on the face and body. Vitamins and minerals feed the skin, enhancing the production of new collagen, helping to effectively tighten and rejuvenate troublesome areas of loose skin.



Many people are plagued by stretch marks and are desperately looking to get rid of them. When treating stretch marks, Mesotherapy delivers direct shots of vitamins and minerals at a precise depth. This is to encourage the production of new collagen and new skin cells to replace the old, damaged ones. Reduce the appearance of stretch marks and encourage smoother skin with Mesotherapy.

The Results


This procedure is appropriate for both young individuals who want to slow down the aging process and moisturise their skin and elderly people who want to lessen the indications of aging and increase collagen formation.

  • Individuals with Early Signs of Aging
    Those noticing the onset of fine lines, reduced skin elasticity, or minor skin sagging can benefit from the preventative and rejuvenating effects of skin boosters.
  • People with Dehydrated Skin
    If your skin often feels dry or lacks the youthful dewy glow, skin boosters can provide deep hydration from within, addressing the skin’s moisture imbalance.
  • Those Seeking Subtle Enhancements
    Individuals looking for a natural, non-overdone aesthetic improvement rather than dramatic changes are ideal candidates. Skin boosters enhance one’s inherent beauty without altering the basic structure.
  • Individuals with Active Lifestyles
    For those who are always on the go and want a minimal downtime procedure that fits into their busy schedules, skin boosters are a suitable choice.
  • People Unwilling or Unable to Undergo Invasive Procedures
    If you’re hesitant about surgeries or more invasive treatments, skin boosters offer a minimally invasive alternative to rejuvenate the skin.
  • Individuals with Sensitive Skin
    Given the gentle nature of skin boosters, they can be suitable for those with sensitive skin types, provided they undergo a thorough consultation to ensure compatibility.
  • Those Seeking Preventative Care
    Younger individuals who wish to proactively address potential skin concerns and maintain their skin’s health and radiance can also consider skin boosters.
  1. Consultation is Key:
    Schedule a consultation with Daiyah Aesthetic Clinic, this will help assess your suitability for the treatment, clarify your expectations and address any concerns.
  2. Avoid Blood-Thinning Medications:
    A week prior to the treatment, refrain from taking medications or supplements that can thin the blood, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or vitamin E. This helps reduce the risk of bruising.
  3. Stay Hydrated:
    Drink plenty of water in the days leading up to your treatment. Hydrated skin can respond better to the procedure  enhancing the effects of the treatment.
  4. Skip the Alcohol:
    Alcohol can increase the risk of bruising and bleeding. It’s best to avoid consuming alcohol at least 24-48 hours prior to the treatment
  5. Inform About Allergies or Skin Sensitivities:
    If you have any known allergies, especially related to skin products or treatments, inform your practitioner in advance. This helps in choosing the right product formulation for your skin booster treatment.
  6. Stay Sun-Safe:
    Avoid excessive sun exposure or tanning for a week prior to the treatment. Sunburned or irritated skin might not be ideal for the procedure.

By taking these preparatory steps, you can ensure a smoother process keep an open line of communication with your specialist to address any uncertainties or concerns.

The skin booster procedure commences with a strong numbing agent to minimize discomfort. The defining characteristic of skin boosters is the meticulous microdroplet delivery. Practitioners use specialized needles to infuse small amounts of hyaluronic acid (HA) just beneath the skin’s surface, ensuring precise dosing and depth. This method allows the HA to be distributed evenly throughout the dermis, resulting in a uniform, natural-looking rejuvenation.

Individual pain thresholds do vary,  while some may feel only a slight pinch, others might experience a bit more sensitivity. However, any discomfort is usually short-lived and manageable by those opting for the treatment.

Skin booster treatments offer the advantage of minimal downtime, with most patients able to swiftly return to their daily activities. Nevertheless, certain side effects, although generally temporary, can be expected:

  • Mild Swelling: After the procedure, some swelling at the injection sites is typical. This usually diminishes within 24 to 48 hours.
  • Redness: A temporary flush or redness in the treated areas is a common immediate reaction, which typically dissipates within a day.
  • Bruising: Some individuals might experience bruising, especially if they are prone to it. While it can last for a few days, makeup can be used to conceal it after the initial 24 hours.
  • Tenderness: The treated area can feel sore or tender for a day or two post-treatment.
  • Welt-like Appearance: For several hours after the treatment, the skin might display a welt-like appearance due to the superficial microdroplet delivery. This is a normal reaction and typically resolves within a few hours, leaving the skin smooth.

These side effects are generally short-lived, and the actual “downtime” – when one might prefer to stay away from social events or work – is minimal to none.

After undergoing a skin booster procedure, it’s essential to follow specific post-treatment guidelines to maximise results and ensure a smooth recovery. 

  • Avoid Intense Physical Activity: It’s advisable to skip strenuous workouts for at least 24 hours after the treatment. Excessive sweating can increase the risk of swelling or bruising.
  • Stay Sun-Safe: Protect the treated area from direct sunlight for a few days post-procedure. Excessive sun exposure can lead to prolonged swelling or discoloration. 
  • Avoid Touching the Treated Area: Try not to touch, rub, or apply pressure to the treated areas for at least 24 hours. This allows the product to settle properly.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help expedite the integration of hyaluronic acid into the skin, enhancing the hydrating effects of the treatment.
  • Skip the Sauna and Steam: Heat treatments, like saunas or steam rooms, should be avoided for at least 48 hours post-procedure. Heat will exacerbate swelling.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to consult directly with your dermatologist or aesthetic specialist for any personalised post-care recommendations. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs and procedure details.

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