Profhilo isn’t your typical skincare treatment; it’s a game-changer. With its specialised formula, it deeply hydrates and nourishes your skin, leaving it plump, firm revitalising your skin and restoring a more youthful appearance.

What sets Profhilo apart from traditional dermal fillers is its focus on enhancing skin quality and hydration, rather than adding volume or creating sharp contours. It’s often referred to as a “bioremodeling” treatment because it triggers your skin to naturally produce more collagen and elastin, two vital proteins essential for maintaining youthful and firm skin. Profhilo is a versatile option suitable for both men and women and can be applied to various areas of the face and body.


At the core of Profhilo’s effectiveness lies in Bio Aesthetic Points (BAP) technology, which identifies specific injection points to maximize the treatment’s benefits. The product itself contains stabilised hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body responsible for preserving skin hydration and elasticity. When injected in the accurate points Profhilo spreads and initiates the production of collagen and elastin, leading to noticeable improvements in skin texture and tightness. This unique composition enables Profhilo to hydrate the deep dermal layers, delivering results that endure over time.


Profhilo distinguishes itself from traditional dermal fillers by offering a more natural and subtle enhancement, rather than adding volume or sculpted features. Unlike neurotoxins like Botox, which target muscle contractions to reduce wrinkles, Profhilo concentrates on overall skin quality and firmness. Notably, Profhilo can be combined with other aesthetic treatments, such as dermal fillers or Botox, creating a comprehensive rejuvenation plan tailored to your unique needs. Its minimal downtime and ability to deliver natural-looking results make Profhilo an appealing choice for individuals seeking a refreshed appearance without the appearance of an overly “done” look.


Profhilo offers a range of benefits that make it a highly sought-after aesthetic treatment. Firstly, it excels at skin rejuvenation and hydration, helping individuals achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Unlike treatments that focus solely on adding volume, Profhilo’s primary goal is to enhance the quality and moisture content of the skin.
One standout advantage of Profhilo is its ability to deliver natural-looking results. Instead of creating sharp contours or dramatic changes, Profhilo enhances your natural beauty, leaving you with a subtle and rejuvenated appearance. This aspect of Profhilo is particularly appealing to those who desire a more understated enhancement.
Moreover, Profhilo is renowned for its minimal discomfort and downtime. The treatment process is relatively quick and typically causes only mild, temporary discomfort. Patients can resume their daily activities shortly after the procedure, making it a convenient choice for individuals with busy schedules.


During a Profhilo session, a skilled practitioner administers a series of precisely targeted injections into specific areas of your skin. These injections are strategically placed to maximise the treatment’s effectiveness.


Profhilo treatments are generally well-tolerated by patients. While some individuals may experience mild, temporary discomfort during the injections, it is typically well within acceptable levels. Many clients describe the sensation as a slight stinging or pricking sensation, which quickly subsides.


One of the notable advantages of Profhilo is its efficiency. A single session typically lasts around  30 minutes, making it a convenient option for those with busy schedules.

The recommended frequency of Profhilo sessions may vary based on individual goals and the condition of your skin. However, it’s common to undergo two initial sessions, spaced approximately one month apart, to achieve optimal results. Subsequent maintenance sessions can be scheduled as needed to maintain the desired level of skin rejuvenation and hydration.

Overall, the Profhilo procedure is a quick, minimally invasive treatment that can yield remarkable improvements in your skin’s quality and appearance.



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Skin boosters work wonderfully to treat the skin quality, overall hydration, texture and tone

Choosing between Botox and Profhilo depends on your specific aesthetic goals and concerns. Botox, a muscle-relaxing treatment, is ideal for reducing wrinkles caused by muscle contractions. Profhilo, a hyaluronic acid-based treatment, focuses on overall skin quality, hydration, and firmness. The choice between them depends on your desired outcomes, and some individuals opt for a combination of both treatments for a comprehensive approach to facial rejuvenation.
Commonly, two treatment sessions of Profhilo, spaced four weeks apart, are recommended. This initial treatment period is followed by maintenance top-ups at six-month intervals
Profhilo injections offer long-lasting results, typically lasting between 6 to 12 months or even longer in some cases. The duration of the effects can vary based on individual factors like age, skin condition, and lifestyle. Some individuals opt for maintenance sessions to extend the longevity of their Profhilo results.
• Profhilo injections are usually well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort. Some individuals may experience mild, temporary discomfort at the injection sites.
The 4-week period allows for the gradual distribution and stimulation of collagen and elastin production in the skin. The natural process of collagen remodeling takes time, however most patients typically begin to notice improvements very soon after the first treatment.
• Profhilo injections are usually well-tolerated, with minimal discomfort. Some individuals may experience mild, temporary discomfort at the injection sites.
Profhilo can benefit individuals of various ages, but it is often considered a valuable treatment starting in your late 20s and beyond. In your late 20s and early 30s, Profhilo can serve as a preventive measure to maintain youthful and hydrated skin. For those in their 40s and beyond, Profhilo can provide substantial improvements in skin quality and firmness, addressing concerns like fine lines and loss of elasticity. To determine the ideal age to begin Profhilo treatment, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified practitioner who can assess your skin’s specific needs and recommend a personalized plan.

When considering Profhilo treatment, you want the assurance of expertise and a commitment to excellence. At our clinic, you’ll find:

Our Expertise in Profhilo: Our highly skilled practitioners are experts in Profhilo treatments. They have extensive training and experience in administering Profhilo injections to ensure safe and effective results.

Our Commitment to Safety and Quality: Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities. We adhere to the highest standards of safety and quality in every Profhilo treatment we provide. Rest assured that you are in capable hands when you choose us for your Profhilo journey.

Special Offers or Packages: From time to time, we offer special promotions and packages for Profhilo treatments. Keep an eye out for these opportunities to enhance your Profhilo experience.
£180 for 1 session
£340 for 2 session

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